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“Technology and design. Two fundamentals of modern business today. Both broad topics that can feel overwhelming at first. integer lacinia nisi nec luctus aliquet. Integer sed quam nisi. In non felis nisi. Mauris sagittis euismod faucibus. Sed vestibulum enim at fringilla tempus.”



I am many things to many businesses. I am a designer, developer and creative technologist. Learning to code was a fundamental step in facilitating a move from traditional graphic design into digital design early on in my career.

Fascinated by how each and every one of us interacts with technology and design differently, Robin started delivering workshops on all aspects of the digital spectrum 9 years ago. ... ... Current areas of interest include internet of things, blockchain, security and future technologies.

Live projects
robingreen.house Innovation as a Service
rei•iot Description
Greenfinch Decentralized Storage